Wednesday, April 8, 2009

some days

Some days are really hard. Today is one of those days. She's constipated... well, was constipated. Puked twice. She's been held by me most of the day and cries when I try to put her down for a few seconds. When I'm not holding her, she's curled up in her crib sucking her thumb. Doesn't want a pacifier today for some reason. Thank goodness for those Baby Mum-Mum rice crackers that we can buy locally. A snack "from the old country" always seems to soothe her fussiness for a few minutes at a time. Yes, some days are really hard.

I stayed home with Miss Fuss-A-Lot while daddy went to the carpal tunnel doctor today. The wrist splints he's been wearing at night have helped, but trying to sleep in wrist splints is not very comfortable. He got a steroid shot in a wrist today. We'll see if that helps. Gotta keep the BABY hand strong. Word.

brown-eyed girl - rounded corners

I only got to take 30 seconds of photos today before the waterworks turned back on because she wasn't being held. I'm still trying hard to work in aperture mode with natural light and no flash. I like the coloring and the light in her eyes in this photo, but the depth of field was a little too narrow at f/3.2 because of how close I was to her. I would have liked her right eye to be in better focus.

I haven't posted retail therapy baby clothes links in awhile. One of my recent favorite things to drool over online are handmade dresses on Etsy, specifically knot dresses. Here's a link where you too can view all of the knot dresses that crafty enterprising mamas would love to make for you.

Some might say, "Oh, Sarah. Those patterns would be so simple. You should really make these yourself." Uhh... no. I've tried a sewing project for Hannah before and learned that I had to have my mother iron everything for me because I can't iron, and even then I can't sew in a straight line.

The only dresses I could successfully make for Miss Hannah would have to be made out fine quality burlap sacks, like in the example above.

Gotta go. I'm being summoned by the grumpy Taiwanese princess. She is issuing her loud royal decree that nap time is over.


  1. yeah, what's with these extremely loud babies? I guess no one told them that they are home now and that they don't have to scream soooo loud to be heard! they are the ONLY baby now!! Geesh! I can't get over what a screamer Andy is! As soon as I walk in the room he is usually totally fine...all that yellin'! Geesh! We are actually having a great week so far...a little constipation action yesterday...but other than that, my sweet boy is back! (for now, anyhow)

  2. I never had back pain till Meg came home. After a while your guns get "baby strong" but those wrists are tough. I wore those splints for a while when I did order entry. The other thing that helped was a Kinesis keyboard (the aliens in Men In Black used them at headquarters). A little learning curve but they make sense one you start to use them. I.e. keys are arranged in columns and not rows which makes more sense considering how your fingers move etc...

    I like the photo and hoe you have her looking up. That really defines the chin and outlines her face. That was a trick a photographer at a friend's wedding (I think she was once the photographer for the 60s band Mott the Hoople) once told me. For folks with a double chin, looking up can help reduce it for portraits.



    PS We were outside all weekend so I took about 300 pics this weekend. I seem to be on a roll and visiting here helps with the inspiration.

  3. I am so with you on the some Vietnamese prince seems to have some sort of virus going on and it is no fun! Hope Kevin gets some relief from the shots- I have become an at-night wrist splint wearer myself!


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