Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ro Han Men Taiwanese Cultural Troupe at Clowes Hall in Indianapolis

The Ro Han Mem Taiwanese Cultural Troupe consists of students of Shih Chien University at Kaohsiung Campus. The university is located in Neimem Township, Kaohsiung County. Neimem, formerly known as Ro Han Mem, is inhabited with different cultural groups that include southern Fukienese, Hakka, and Indigenous people. In 2008, Shih Chien University established the Ro Han Mem Taiwanese Cultural Troupe to foster students’ interest in learning about the diverse cultures surrounding them. In addition, the Troupe aims to reinterpret and enhance Taiwanese performance art in a creative and inspiring way. The performances incorporate the collection of local performance art via the Sung-Jiang Battle Array, Hakka folk songs, and Indigenous songs and dances to present the diversity and beauty of the Taiwanese culture. The musicals contain a variety of songs, dances, and battle array performances that are representative of the Fukienese, Hakka, and Indigenous cultures, giving a portrayal of the early settlement in southern Taiwan and the interaction among these different cultural groups.

We're going! I'm so pumped. I just found out about this event last night and everything fell into place so that I could shift some hours around at work to be able to go. We were to be in Indianapolis Wednesday anyway for an adoption post placement appointment with our social worker. Now we'll just have to find away to shift Hannah's bedtime an hour later so we can enjoy the performance, and then see if we can keep her happy and quiet during the performance.

I had no idea that Indianapolis and Taipei were sister cities, and I didn't know that there is such a thing as Taiwanese American Hertiage Week. Cool stuff.

Daddy scored a room at the Hyatt for $50 on Priceline, so now he's dancing around the house doing karate chops like William Shatner. Thank you, Priceline Negotiator!


  1. I am so glad you are able to attend! I cannot wait to see pictures and hear all about it. I did get your message tonight--but just now, so I'll give ya a call this week (it's a busy one, so if I forget--call me!!) We would love to meet ya soon!!!

  2. Hey, Colorado Springs is sister cities with Kaoshioung! Who knew?

  3. This troupe would be from the same place that I saw all of this:

    Very cool that yall get to go!

    Glad you found out about it a few days before rather than a few days after!!! :)


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