Sunday, May 3, 2009

more dandelions

Tonight after dinner, Hannah and I went out to an empty lot to play in the dandelions while Daddy mowed the yard. I got some good shots, but next time we do this I want Daddy with us to blow dandelion seeds into view so one can see them floating around. I have a couple of shots with floating seeds, and they give the shots a magical quality. Unfortunately, most of the shots with the floating seeds have closed eyes or aren't focused correctly. That's okay. I think there's plenty of dandelions out there for future photography sessions.



Wooo! Caught a seed in the air, and her eyes aren't closed!


  1. hey! I went outside today and I was shooting away at Andy, I was really getting some good shots, as far as I could tell....then came inside and remembered I had taken the SD card out!!! UUGGHH!! My other cheapy camera told me when I was shooting with no card!! I will have to try again!! Great that little chick!

  2. How pretty - and she even kept her bow in!

  3. Oh my, where have I been?! Love all the new photos. Especially love the one of her with the flower pots, and of course the sleepy high chair photo. You gave me a good laugh too - thanks for that as well.

    The dandelions are beautiful, but they don't do Hannah justice. Who knew "wish weeds" could be so great for photos!

    You are so very talented!

  4. Hello!

    I just wanted to tell you that your blog has become one of my top three favorites because your photography is amazing! PLUS you have one of the cutest subjects I have ever seen. I am an amateur photographer and I have a goal to get comfortable with Photoshop this summer (I am a teacher, so I'll have more time). Question, do you use a filter to give your photos that beautiful soft color effect? Whatever it is, I love it! Keep the pics and updates coming!

  5. I love her expressions, especially in that last picture! Adorable! I am not a photo genius at all, I'm just happy the picture isn't blurry most times. LOL You take great pictures!

  6. Lacie,
    What a sweet comment. Thanks!
    No, I don't use a filter. On the roses photos I used an action to make them soft and glowy. On most photos (like the more dandelion ones in this post) I sharpen eyes, use a little warmth action, and sometimes use a color boost. The actions that I use the most are freebies from Pioneer Woman, set 1 and 2. The softness in the background is from having a wide open aperture, turning the f value to a low number so that the depth of field is very narrow. It makes things in front and things in back of the focus area blurry. Ask questions anytime!!! I'd love to see your blog as well if you want to share your link.

  7. Her eyes just glow in that bottom photo. And I just love that dress!!!

  8. I hope that you are saving all of her cute little outfits for Reed's little sister!


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