Thursday, May 21, 2009


One year ago today was a very special day. On Wednesday, May 21st at 3:30am, we opened an e-mail titled "hallelujah!!!!" complete with FOUR exclamation points that changed our lives forever. Our hearts are full now, and we are very blessed.



  1. Happy Referraliversary!!! I can't believe it's been a year already! WOW! She has changed and grown so much. She is beautiful girl!

  2. can you believe that was a year ago??? wow! Congrats on one bee-u-tee-full baby girl!!

  3. Happy 1 year anniversary! Did anyone ever tell you that HC looks a lot like you in her referral pics? Especially the middle one with the butterfly. Or is it me?

  4. Uh... maybe we all look alike because we have double chins? Heehee.

  5. gives me chills! i agree with holli, there is definitely some resemblance! i think it's just one of those God things! she's absolutely beautiful and i love how her little face just glows now that your her mommy and daddy!

  6. ONE YEAR?! Gosh, I remember that like it was yesterday. I was so thrilled for you. And now, the end result is soo, sooo sweet! Happy Mommy and Daddy. Happy Hannah Claire! Praise God for the passage of time. The fulfillment of time!


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