Friday, March 6, 2009

Pajama Poll

Kevin and I are opinionated about snaps vs zippers on Hannah's pajamas. We'd like to see if other parents of young children feel the same way. The poll is at the top of this blog's sizebar and will last one week.

Yesterday we noticed that our little Miss has an ulcer on the side of her tongue. There's really not much you can do for this except give her pain meds and Baby Orajel. She's on Tylenol during the day as long as she keeps sticking her fingers in her mouth. The Tylenol helps a lot, but we can tell when it wears off. Poor baby. She's cutting two toofers AND an owie on her tongue. No wonder she hasn't had much of an appetite. We're trying to stay away from acidic foods that could aggrivate the ulcer. No diced tomato bits with dinner tonight. Sorry, baby.

I tried putting sliced frozen strawberries in one of those mesh baggie things several days ago. She didn't like that at all, and hasn't liked cold teething rings. I''ll try again in a month or so and see what she thinks.



  1. I loved catchin up on things with you and Hanna Claire! :) She is the most beautiful thing! :) Noah is havin teethin issues too! 4 molars at one time! OUCH on the mouth soar! I hate those...poor baby girl :(

    Noah's mama

  2. This sounds old but. I would freeze a wash cloth and give it to my son to chew on. He is 17 now so that is why I said it was old. But it worked. That is something to try. Fyi she is so cute!!!

  3. Great photo. I just realized you had your digiscrapping on your blog. I feel like an idiot. First I don't know what STFU is, and now after visiting your blog for who knows how long, I just found your creations! I'm inspired. I purchased the Lumapix, have PSElements sitting in it's box on my counter, and now, I just need to start doing it. You've done some GREAT stuff with your scrapbook. I love it!

  4. Snaps..helps with fine motor skills later.
    You know me....always the teacher.;)


  5. Frozen mushed up banana's work best!
    I'd like to send Allie to bed with them tonight...LOL! Don't worry, I won't do it...
    Sleepless in Indy


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