Wednesday, March 4, 2009

life stuck on fast foward

Seems like time is a runaway right now. I can't believe it's March. While we were waiting for Hannah, I felt like my life was on hold... and I just wanted to fast forward to the good part. The waiting part and all of the uncertainty (mostly before referral) was very painful. Now that Hannah's here... it feels like life is stuck on fast forward. I wish it could slow down so that I have more time to kiss baby toes, make her laugh, feel those teeth breaking through her gums, and one of my favorites... watch her eat cottage cheese with her little pincher grasp. Oh yeah, a few more hours in the day to do laundry and pick up the kitchen table would be nice, as well.

Here are some photos from today. I didn't work until this afternoon, so I got to give her the morning bottle and we read a few books. Mid-morning she ate Nana's broccoli soup, applesauce, and fed herself some cottage cheese. After covering herself in cottage cheese, it was bath time and time to play with a stacking cups and a rubber ducky. After her bath the clean baby got to try on her Easter dress. I love a designer line called Biscotti, but the price is outrageous. I've been able to find new with tags Biscotti dresses on eBay for nearly a third of the retail price. It's a win win. I enjoy the hunt for the sale and Hannah gets a beautiful dress for the same price that I'd spend on a nice dress at Target. Anyway, we tried on the dress and it's just a little big, but not too bad. I took a few pics of Hannah in the dress to see how it photographs and had a little fun... until she told me it was time to stop!

Okay, okay. On with the photos!

messy fingers
Messy fingers.

spoon analysis
Spoon analysis.

yummy ducky
Mmmm... rubber ducky.

Easter preview top
My dream come true in Biscotti.

Easter preview bottom
Sweet little piggies.

stop the camera!
That's enough, Mama!


  1. That dress is stunning!

    I know all about the strange fast forward. It's even weirder when you have a child and you're waiting on one because the current child(ren) make time fly, but there's an unnatural slowness because of the expectancy for the coming member of the family.

    Things just feel "off".

    That's why pictures and video are so priceless- when life does slow down a little (and it may not happen until they're off to college), we can return to a sliver of the fast-paced early years and jog our memory.


  2. That dress is just beautiful! But it pales in comparison to the little beauty who is wearing it!

  3. Wow... I love the third picture down with the pink dress. What an absolute baby doll she is!

  4. I feel the same way. This time last year was horrible and seemed to take forever. Now it is just flying by. Those pictures are all darling!

  5. ok, absolutely love the one looking down on HC with her dress on....eyelashes are just beautiful!! Can't wait for you to come out here and shoot some of my kiddos!! Yay! Email coming soon about that =)

  6. I too feel the same. Life was going SO slowly waiting for Sarah now I can't keep up! The dress is gorgeous. I love that line too, but I wish I was as good at finding a deal!

  7. So true. It felt like years we had to wait to pick them up and now everything is on "speed-life". All we can do is enjoy, enjoy and enjoy every second out of it.
    Very nice pictures - congrats to the new set of tooth/teeth, lol.

  8. A true beauty in Biscotti. . .Love that line. And the hunt for the deal is the best part! HC is gorgeous in cottage cheese and PINK dresses! I know what you mean about life on FF. Take a day off, enjoy her, enjoy the day. Makes you feel like you got a week's time out of one afternoon!


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