Monday, March 2, 2009

got teeth?

Today's a big day for our little family. Kevin discovered that Hannah Claire's bottom two teeth have broken through, just barely. She's been drooling up a storm these last few days and has had her hands in her mouth way lots. This weekend there was so much drool on the floor that I had to investigate if this wet substance was drool or if Sedona peed on the floor. I eyed Sedona carefully as I laid down on the floor to sniff the puddle on the foam play mat. Sniff sniff. No smell. No pee! Thank goodness! I don't want to even think about dealing with that kind of problem starting.

Sorry, no photos of these two bottom teeth. She's not very cooperative about letting us look into her mouth, but we can sure feel them when we stick our fingers in her mouth.

Daddy's girl

Hannah's been into looking into mirrors and waving this past week. It's so cute. She's been much less anxious about having Mama hold her all of the time as well. I was so excited today when I watched her crawl down the hall chasing after her Daddy when he briefly left the room.

16 pounds of cuteness

She was so cute when we had her on the scale... all 16 pounds of cuteness.


  1. Wow still 16 pounds - tiny!! She is so adorable.

  2. Looks like HC knows how to cover herself.. lol~

  3. Dealing with all the drooly-gloriousness too!! My boy has two poppin' up in all the wrong places...well, still inside his mouth..hehe...but not in the right order...poor kids...Glad they will not be toothless old married people...=)

  4. Oh wow.. teeth! So, have you got the frozen bagels, vibrating teething toy (surprisingly effective), frozen fruit, infant tylenoln plenty of bibs etc.. ready to go?

    Meg just got one of her two year molars and another on is coming in. This was the first time that she was able to tell us what hurt. I'm looking forward to new baby teeth being a fond memory.

    Great pics. I love the one on Kevin's shoulder.

    Cheer - Kevin

  5. Megan's daddy Kevin,
    Frozen bagels? Hadn't heard of that one... or a vibrating teething toy. Frozen fruit, Tylenol, and bibs... yes! Hannah hasn't liked anything cold in her mouth yet. We'll see if she changes her mind once she has some real teething pain.

  6. Naked baby on the scale - that is so cute! Thanks for coming by and following. I"m so glad you did because I keep losing my links to blogs and yours was one of them!

  7. Hee hee, I can still make out some squeezable thighs in those 16 lbs. of cuteneses. Great to read that she is becoming more comfortable separating from you.

  8. Awww, congrats to the cutie on her first 2 teeth!! Exciting stuff!!! Maybe she won't have bad teething pain... 2 of my girls sailed right through teething with nary a fuss. We can always hope right??

    Very cute pics of your munchkin - lovin' the smile while she sits on Daddy's shoulders (Kevin's a natural isn't he??) And the one on the scale cracks me up. Love the strategically placed hand. :) 16 lbs... what a peanut!!

  9. Oh yes! The vibrating teething thingy is wonderful! The frozen food works well too if it's in one of those little netting contraptions. All of my children enjoyed the frozen food in their mouths but didn't enjoy holding the frozen foods in their hands. The little netting contraption has a plastic holder so their little fingers don't get cold. TARGET~
    Love the pics. She is so adorable!

  10. Aw! I can't wait to see the first tooth pic! Your 'wet substance' story made me laugh. :)
    PS: That's a really great photo of HC and Daddy. Framable for sure!

  11. Look at all that thick beautiful hair-i love it! She's adorable-too cute! Glad she's growing a little more independent-you so need that! :)

  12. Fun, fun, with teeth comes a FUN new menu of foods!! Love the scale photo. . .you should capture them one by one (each weigh-in), same pose, and take a picture of the digital numbers!! I bet you could do something really creative with your digi-scrapping!

  13. That sweet little grin will soon be a toothy grin :-). What a cutie!

  14. YAY!
    Way to go Hannah Claire!

    You are getting to be a big girl!

    Miss Andrea

  15. Oh, gosh, we are knee deep in drool too....the bibs help, but I keep a cloth handy too! And yes, those frozen food net thing-a-ma-bobs are great! Tyler chomps away and for a brief spell, all seems dryer.....yay!

    She's a doll!! LOVE the scale shot!

  16. Oh I'm jealous of all that hair! (Or should I say that Willa is?) Cute pics.


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