Saturday, January 10, 2009

Video: Sleepy Baby

Our family has caught "codes." We have "codes in our nodes." Hannah's turned into a little snot machine. Humidifier is on in her room and we torture her with saline spray and a bulb syringe quite frequently. Thank goodness the Aquaphor I've kept her little nose lubed up with is working and her nose isn't getting crusty, red, and irritated from the number of tissues I've used to wipe her with over the last two days. Kevin and I caught this bug on Friday, and we're enjoying all of the classic cold symptoms that January has to offer.

Thank goodness we can find things to laugh about when we're frustrated with our little snot machine! She hasn't been sleeping well with her nose all stuffed up and was falling asleep really early Friday night. Hope this makes you giggle!


  1. "CLUNK!" And she's out. That's a really funny one.

  2. ROFL! (no pun intended). I hope you all feel better very soon.

  3. Poor little stuffy nosed baby! :-(

    But, TOTALLY funny.

  4. Hehe! That is very cute! Perfect music to. Someone bring the crib stat! LOL!

  5. That is hilarious...and priceless!

  6. Oh my.. thank goodness we have humour to get us through the sickie times. Sorry about the bug fairy visiting your house too (mischievous suckers)... Get Well Soon. She totally just passed out. She's trying so hard not too. That was hilarious... I gotta watch it again. What perfect timing! Thunk. She can't even cry, she's so sleepy. The boogies are a pain. I always use a warm wet washcloth on their noses in the morning and boogies just come pouring out. I've trained them to walk aroudn with them on their faces... kinda funny to watch... little masked bandits.

  7. I'm calling you right now. Hee hee.

  8. So precious!! I remember once when Alea fell asleep at the high chair while I was just trying to get a few more things done before putting her to bed! I felt terrible when I found her sound asleep in the chair. These are things you will remember forever!!

  9. My son has fallen asleep on the kitchen floor, in their booster seat, even on the kitchen table once when I wasn't in the room!

  10. Oh my goodness!! Poor thing. That is so funny. Let me ask you this ... How many times has Mama felt like that since coming home? Oh, I remember the jet lag....

  11. Oh I just want to snuggle up with her right there on the floor! Too cute!!

  12. Michelle, Uh... I've lost count! Heeheee!


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