Sunday, January 11, 2009

hanging out in our jammies

We're enjoying just hanging out at home in our jammies, wiping noses every five minutes, and watching the snow fall. Miralax is working... maybe a little too well.

We have no energy (or funds) to host our own Chinese New Year party again this year, but we've been invited to THREE parties and hope to attend all, health permitting. I'm planning on spending two more weeks at home before Kevin goes to work as the full time stay at home parent.

2009-01-11_08-46-52_Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2009-01-11_08-27-04_Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2009-01-11_08-27-44_Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2009-01-10_18-24-33_Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2009-01-09_07-28-38_Canon PowerShot A570 IS


  1. Well, She is an adorable little snot monster for sure! We all got NASTY colds after we returned home as well! Enjoy your jammie time, we still hang out all day in our jammies whenever possible. I love the new banner and the darling pictures of Miss HC.

  2. I say stay in those jammies as long as possible! Hehe! Poor little islander... hope the sickness bug goes away ASAP!

  3. Love the pajamas and the new blog design. Heyyy... duck tub. William approves.

  4. What a sweetheart!! I hope she is feeling better soon. I LOVE your new header!!!

  5. Beautiful new blog design. Who in the world did you hire to do it?! LOL Love those photos of her. Now those first pictures can't possibly be jammies, are they?! They look more comfy Baby Nay, but then again, since you're her mommy those might be some really cute jammies. Hope everyone recovers soon. I sometimes think it's His way of allowing us to slow down, recuperate. . .enjoy your days at home - but know that getting out of the house and back to a work routine isn't a bad thing either! Big hugs to all.

  6. She is such a cutie patootie! Love the idea of hangin' out in your pj's!!! Ånd your new header is adorable!
    Have a fantastic week home!

  7. Love the duck bath!! So cute!! Glad the miralax is working--if it's too much, go every other day or cut dose in 1/2 that is what we did!!!

  8. Tiffanie, Hannah was stylin' yesterday in some Baby Nay that was way to big for her. So big that she started sucking on the sleeves because it would sometimes cover up her fingers. After she messed that up, she went nekkid for while cuddled up during a movie with Mama, and then straight in to Carter's zip up jammies with feet. It's Mama and Daddy that are really feeling bad with their colds now and haven't gotten dressed for a couple of days. Ug. My sleep cycle is totally messed up.

    You are freaking me out over here!

    But.....I am lovin' the new header and the bath pictures.
    Those inflatable tubs are the best invention of man.
    I can't remember what I did before they came along.
    Of course I didn't have a cute ducky...Where did you get that!


  10. Awesome new design Sarah! Does this baby girl just melt your heart or what! She's adorable even with a runny nose Mama...
    The video was so very sweet, but made me want to reach in there and grab her up and snuggle her. Poor tired baby girl. FYI 7 - 7:30PM seems to be our best going time on getting her to stay down for the entire night. At 10:30-11:00 I can sneak in and change the diaper and get a couple of ounces down and she will sleep until 6:30-7AM if we aren't too noisy around here.
    Seems to work for us, it might be worth a try! Looking forward to seeing you guys on Wednesday.

  11. Oh, I'd kiss that snotty little face in a heartbeat! Cute as anything. I hope you and Kevin are getting better and your sleep cycle is adjusting. The blog design is clean and crisp and what a great subject you have!!



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