Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Homestudy finalized - wait for referral begins

Horray! I got news today that our homestudy has been finalized. A copy of our homestudy was sent to immigration last week, so hopefully we'll get our fingerprint appointments in Indianapolis soon. This means that we are officially on the waiting list for a referral with our agency Familes for Children. The agency says that the average wait for referral is six months, but my head has told my heart to be prepared to wait up to 12 months for referral. Then there's the 4-6 month wait after referral for the court process in Taiwan. Bad news: There's pretty much no way we'd be able to bring Hannah home in 2007. Good news: I can go ahead and plan on how to use my 2007 vacation time.


  1. Yay!!!! Congrats!!! Now the real waiting begins. Hopefully it won't be that long and things in the Taiwan program will settle down. I love that stork picture and may have to steal it!!

  2. Thats one huge check mark off your list:) Just enjoy as much "free-time" with hubby now & hopefully the wait will fly by for you...This is coming from someone that needed anxiety-meds during her adoption. LOL! Have fun planning this years vacation!


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