Wednesday, June 20, 2012

day two at home - international adoption clinic

We were all up at 4:30am this morning with screaming in stereo. The crying was for the following reasons: adoption loss, jet lag, 2 insects located near the kitchen table, gagging on phlegm, crying because the other sibling was crying, poopy diaper, unknown reason for crying (self admitted), hunger, and wanting the other parent instead of the parent that is trying to comfort said child. The crying resolved at 7:30am and the little boogers all settled down to eating a breakfast of eating pancakes and strawberries with real maple syrup.  I didn't have much hope for the rest of the day.  Unfortunately, a road trip international adoption clinic for both kids was scheduled for the day.  We went ahead and left the house extra early, knowing we could stop at a Super Target along the way.

Hudson stayed awake for most of the trip, alternating between whines and happy monkey sounds.  Hannah snoozed.  Once at Target we tried on shoes for Hudson.  We had no idea what size of shoes to get him.  We figured out that his feet are much wider than usual size 6.  Most styles wouldn't work for his width, but some Circo brand skater style shoes fit well.  Hannah asked for a hot dog, and I realized that I hadn't planned on time for lunch.  Whoops!  Looks like it's hot dog time for everyone at the Target cafe.

We were now low on time to get to our appointment.  We hit traffic because of a car accident and were now running a few minutes late.  And then... the sound of puke.  Hannah gagged and threw up her lunch mostly in a cup but also all down her clothes and in her car seat.  We could not stop.  We were driving over two hours to go to this appointment and had to be there, like now.  Kevin dropped me off at the door five minutes late and I rushed in to registration with Hudson while Kevin took care of Hannah.  Luckily I had bought two summer rompers for Hudson at Target in 2T, and I knew they'd barely fit Hannah.  I registered the kids for the appointments with screeching monkey boy that wanted to run and be chased while daddy cleaned up Hannah.  I do believe I got the better end of that deal.  We were called back for our appointments right after Kevin and Hannah arrived.  I hate being late and was frazzled and really upset.

Hudson was deemed to be extremely well developed and happy as a horse.  We were told not to worry about language for him for at least six months.  He's already mimicking our sounds and he learned to baby sign "more" last night with cheesy puffs.  I'm very confident in his health.  It's just going to be hard on him and the rest of the family while we try to be patient when teaching him the rules of living in a family with us.

The doctor had evaluated Hannah right when we brought her home.  I was really interested in her evaluation of Hannah's development.  She's keeping her own own little curve on the growth chart, barely on for height and just under the chart for weight.  We're to keep doing what we're doing encouraging her to eat and slip in extra calories when we can.  We talked a lot about the spitting out of food and occasional vomiting and a speech therapist was brought in for an evaluation.  It sounds like Hannah's low tone may also be true for the chewing muscles.  When asked how Hannah would eat a pretzle, she would bite it with her front teeth and suck on it, not chew it from the side.  She avoids chewy bread and can not handle chewing a fruit roll up.  We have been prescribed chewing exercises.  We're to use a food like a cheese puff or vegetable straw and make a game out of biting it with back teeth.  If that goes well we are to start using thin pretzel sticks for chewing exercises, eating about five a a time.  We're to email the speech therapist back in two weeks with how we're doing.  It makes me wonder if Hannah doesn't eat much at one time because her chewing muscles get tired... and that's why she wants to graze just eating a few bites at a time all during the day.

We stopped by to see the Cole family on our way home.  Hannah and Allie had not seen each other for months and a play date was long overdue.  The girls had both missed each other so much.  Lora told me that Allie had cried, worried that her Hannah Claire would forget her.  Awwww!  The girls played and played, and when we left we had to pry Hannah out of Allie's closet.  They were "camping" and had both curled up in Allie's sleeping bag.  Is is an understatement to say that Miss Lora was excited to see Hudson.  She was very very very very excited to see our little guy!  Unfortunately, Hudson had had a big day and was just too tuckered to wake up much.  We enjoyed a casual dinner together and all got to take turns holding Hudson as he slept.  Lora took some photos.  I'm sure she'll share.  Hint hint!


Kevin and I took turns driving home.  We were just so exhausted.  I gave Hudson and bottle and a snack and laid down on the floor next to his bed until he was asleep.

Hi, Mom! I know you think I'm pretty cute.

I think I can find a quicker way to get more milk out of this cup.

Look! It comes out fast if I shake it up and down!


  1. Congrats on the arrival of Hudson, from your West-Coast-Canadian "Lurker"! So happy to hear he's doing so well developmentally.

    I'm sure you've already noticed this, but I thought it was interesting that in a post where you mention Hannah's chewing & low tone, there's a photo of her W-sitting ...


    1. This photo was taken when we peeked in the closet where she had been playing inside camping. We continue correction reminders with the phrase "fix your feet," but a W position is still a more comfortable position for her. Thanks for calling this out and making me feel badly that I'm not with her to correct this while she plays in a closet with a friend.

  2. Sorry - I didn’t mean for you to feel badly! What I meant was that other than this post, there has been little to suggest that Hannah is anything but happy/healthy/full of life!

    I love reading your blog and look forward to hearing about your family's upcoming daily adventures.


    1. I thought this was meant as a flame... like "You're trying to do all sorts to things to help her but man, you still didn't fix that W-sitting!" Apology accepted.


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