Friday, September 4, 2009

sweet little voice

Here's a little video from about a week ago when Hannah and I were hanging out on the couch together reading books and working on some words. She started babbling to me so sweetly while sitting on the couch like a big girl that I had to get a little of it on video. My iPhone doesn't have a great mic for video, so you'll need to turn up your volume all the way to hear her sweet little voice.

One week from today we'll be in the mountains!


  1. Oh goodness! She has the most adorable little tiny itty bitty sweet voice!


    Our blog: Double Happiness!

  2. What a sweet little voice. Her babbling tells me she's on the verge of bustin' loose with conversation. She's SO cute!

    Video on the iPhone - you must have the newest one.

    That is precious!
    She has the voice of a PIXIE!
    Couldn't you just eat her up?!?!

  4. Had the volume up at 97, and could barely hear her, but oh, what a sweet little voice she has!!!! Must melt your heart! You do know what she said, right? She said, "I love you Mama, and e must have those GOLD shoes!!"


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