Saturday, March 14, 2009

today's thoughts and some photos


Many hands shaped the clay that made my daughter who she is. I am grateful that I got to meet so many of those hands. Her nannies eyes cried happy tears as they smiled and sent her home to us.

We had a quiet Saturday morning at home, except for a fight with Mama when she refused her bottle during several feeding attempts and wanted to get down and play. Daddy won the bottle battle a little later on. There's something about the look in Daddy's eye that means business that Mama doesn't have.

This is the color version of the photo above.

My smiley girl.

Oooh! Move that tongue and we can see those two bottom teeth!


  1. I love the proverb and picture. I haven't heard that one before. It fits perfectly, kind of like Hannah Claire does in your family :)

  2. She is more precious and beautiful every day!! Love that proverb and B/W photo!

  3. Love you photos! Hannah Claire is so beautiful! We brought our baby girl home from Taiwan in Aug of 07 and it is amazing how quickly they grow. Teething is the pits - we have used Teething Tablets for both of our children and had great success with it vs. Orajel...just thought I'd share. Thanks for sharing with me!


  4. I'm anti-teething tablets because they contain belladonna, aka deadly nightshade plant. Just because it's "natural," doesn't mean that it is safe. I don't trust an herbal manufacturer. If they screwed up the amount of belladonna they but in their tablets... there's be a big problem. 9/10 times Tylenol works for us just fine.

  5. Your pictures are cute, and with a subject like Hannah, you can't go wrong! I like the proverb, I never heard that one before. Also I liked all your hints on your last post....I will definitely check into some of those while I wait. It's been a while since I was up to date on the 'baby' stuff - oh, this is gonna be fun!!!
    Thanks for the info!! :-)

  6. LOVE the proverb and the black and white photo! Love all the photos! Keep enjoyin your baby girl :)

    Noah's mama

  7. Completely adorable photos and beautiful new blog look!


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