Monday, March 23, 2009

The queen has spoken.

Long day... long drive to see the "hemangioma queen," a dermatologist that specializes in hemangiomas. Our international adoption physician referred Hannah to this specialist she called the "hemangioma queen." Hannah charmed the queen's med students with smiles, giggles, and waves until it was time to be laid down on an exam table and have four women in white coats look at her spots, measure them, and squish them. There was some screaming and big crocodile tears until they were done and she was back in Mama's arms. Hannah was back to her delightful self in less than a minute. The queen says that Hannah's hemangiomas are so small that there is no need to worry about doing an MRI to look for internal growths as she would have no more risk of having them than anyone else. They should fade and continue to get smaller, but the larger one could take several years to fade. We only need to return if they would grow or if one would rip open and start bleeding. Good deal. The queen has spoken, and now we can stop worrying about the possibility of internal hemangiomas we can't see on the outside.

Oh... and can you believe this? One of the hemangioma queen's attendants gave Miss Hannah a Ni Hao, Kai-Lan sticker! I haven't seen Ni Hao, Kai-Lan stuff in stores yet. Hopefully this program is getting popular with the little kiddos and will continue. I'd love to have a whole generation American kiddos that are welcoming to those of Chinese ancestry and place value on the FEELINGS of others and working together as a TEAM... as emphasized in the show. Good night... sending "sun fuzzies" out to you all!


  1. Yeah! That is awesome news and a relief I'm sure. Hail to the queen and her white coats!! I'm happy to hear of your good news.

    I like what you've done to your blog - very creative as always ~ you are so talented! :-)

  2. That show is pretty cute right? my friend has it *she's american too, she has it here in tawain for her kiddos to watch..and maybe learn a little chinese...
    I think its great even if it just is a starting point for kids to learn a bit of Chinese. As for you daughters hemangiomas does she also have mongolian spots, sarah has those but they are fading a little...when i first saw them i thought that they were bruises. They were so so dark, they are still pretty dark but are fading.

  3. I love blue-tiful blue boo-tay... and there's a knickname around our house these days titled "Captain Bluebutt."

  4. I'm glad all was well with the doctor!

  5. Yeah!!! That is some awesome news!!!
    We've been watching Kai-lan too and it just so happens to be one of Allie's favorites! Even over Dora and the Backyardigans! Enjoy your day and it's sunny down here, by the way. Maybe you should take a drive South? You know that you are always welcome! Oh Know, Allie is throwing stuff down the stairs again, gotta go!

  6. That's great news about your sweetie! Our "E" came home with a small one on her face, but she is just about to turn five and it is essentially invisible now - a tiny kind of darkish circle that you can't see if you don't know to look for it. Hoping Hannah Claires's fade just as quickly & completely. Also, we LOVE Kai-Lan!! There are a ton of cool crafts & activities on Nick Jr's website that we use. The show is okay, but I find Rin-too (sp?) to be annoyingly high maintenance. (Just wait 'til Hannah's older, you'll be goofy about kids' shows too!)

  7. YAY!
    Doesn't "relief" just fell gooooooood?!?!?


  8. Happy to hear all is well. We are watching Kai-lan right now- Aiden loves it!

  9. Glad to hear all is well... and can I just say that your new banner takes my breath away? I swear she is the (second :)) most scrumpcious Taiwanese princess there is! Seriously those eyes! I am glad those black beauties are not asking me for anything...she would get anything she wanted!
    Hugs to you all,

  10. Wow, that's fantastic news! Yay for Hannah!!

  11. Sarah--your blog header--too cute for words! How can you seriously stand so much cuteness in your home? I can't get over how precious she is!!! WOW......God is so good!!!!

  12. Good News! My son, now 3 1/2, had a huge hemangionma on his head, to the point I often covered it up b/c I would get comments from strangers, especially telling me I needed to get rid of it, etc... But, now it has considerably shrunk and it so much lighter in color. Best of luck! Hannah Claire is a beautiful baby! :)



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