Friday, June 15, 2012

reflections on being a second time adoptive mama

We're here! We're fine. Just BUSY running after Hudson and keeping Hannah happy as she adjusts to her patents splitting their attention between two children. Will have to do lots of back blogging once we're home and I have a real keyboard instead of pecking out posts on Hannah's iPad when she's sleeping or on my itty bitty iPhone. Our lives are like an episode of Max and Ruby, except the parents are hovering. Max gets into things and Rubby annoying but rightfully tattles on Max Yesterday on day two Kevin left me in the apt with Hudson while he took Hannah shoe shopping for some one-on-one time. When I was first left alone with Hannah as a baby I was so scared that I would break her and wanted Kevin with me. With Hudson, I was scared that he'd do something to hurt himself like stick a fork in the light socket. He wants to touch everything! He's tried to stick his fingers in light sockets, grabs for the crystals on the lampshades, climbs up on top the coffee table and dances, bangs his hands on the flat screen TV, eats paper napkins, etc. Anyway, I had just told him not to stick his finger in the light socket three times and he kept reaching for it. I picked him up, removed him from the situation, put our faces eye to eye just inches apart and said "no no" very firmly. The little stinker grabbed my face with his hands, kissed me squarely on the lips, and laughed out loud! My heart broke and I cried and hugged him! I sat him down so I could recover. He got away with getting an empty pizza box out of the trash, opening it up, and playing with it for a few minutes before moving onto something else. My little monkey doesn't stop moving unless he's sleeping, eating, or snuggling. He makes great eye contact, reaches to us for comfort, grabs my hand and shows me when his diaper is wet, and grabs my hand and pulls me when he wants to go somewhere. He's built. Solid muscle, especially in his thighs. Not a roll on him. He can eat and eat... and still want more. Not sure when I'll be able to post again, but I have more pics loaded onto my Flickr acct if you'd like to look.


  1. It's sounds like he's all boy! Don't worry, even boys sleep....sometimes!

  2. Awww! You guys are going to have so much fun with your little prince!! Enjoy these new moments with him!

  3. What a great mommy/son moment!

  4. Sitting here picturing this makes me cry happy happy tears!

  5. Congratulations!! He sounds like such a fun little guy! Is there a link to your flickr account on here? Also I meant to say, with him being such a solid guy, if you decide to get another stroller for the trip I've heard that Carrefore has the cheapest ones. Even if you are using a carrier for him some of the time its so handy to have the other stroller for bags and of course you just know they are both going to be wanting to ride at the same time!

    Congrats again!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a sweet boy! Welcome to life with a busy boy. It's exhausting, but worth every second!!

  8. Oh yes. Welcome to boys. We think you will enjoy it here... but please buckle your seatbelt. It is sometimes a bumpy ride. =)

    He sounds delicious.

  9. LOVE reading all the news! I laughed and cried when you told me about him grabbing your face and kissing you! TOO CUTE! He is a charmer! I want to figure out how to get to the flicker account! I am dying for more pics!! You are such an awesome mom! He will keep you on your toe's but you have got this!!!! Praying for Miss Hannah as she adjusts to the changes! Great idea for her some one on one time with dad! :) I can't wait to see yall face to face again and see you as a family of 4! :) Enjoy every second of it my friend :)

  10. He sounds like a typically second child to me!! Delaney does the same thing and I'm afraid to say "rules the roost" at times...but I love that adventureous spirit in her...too bad we don't live closer...Delaney and Hudson would have a great time together. And us mom's would probably be exhausted! :)


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