Sunday, November 13, 2011

Redirect: NY Times op-ed calls on US to throw Taiwan under the bus in exchange for China debt forgiveness

Interesting opinion in the NY Times: Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan! I know. I know! I had visions of throwing people under buses as I read it. Let's throw out everything that the US stands for... freedom... democracy... and let's make a deal with China by stabbing Taiwan [a great example of a Asian democracy in action] in the back to settle our debts as we can't control our spending.

I especially like this response by the Taiwanese media, and think that the imagery of Uncle Sam handing the panda [China] a green leaf like the island of Taiwan to eat... and the American going back to sitting on the couch and gorging on hamburgers is especially fitting.


  1. Taiwan ROCKS! I will never ditch Taiwan.

  2. I so dont understand politics and it makes me feel very stupid


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