Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lucky Girl update

I e-mailed Mei-Ling Hopgood to let her know how much I enjoyed her book, and she wrote me back!

Hi Sarah,
Thank you so much for your nice email. I'm glad you liked the book. Your daughter is simply gorgeous. It's wonderful that you are thinking of Mandarin classes, but I think you are already giving your daughter the most important thing right now: the love of an amazing parent. I saw the shoutout you gave Lucky girl in your blog and I really appreciate it. If you'd like a Q&A from me, after your discussion or whenever, I'd be happy to help. Also there is a reader's guide on my website, www.mei-linghopgood.com under the Lucky Girl tab.
Thanks again for reading and for taking the time to be in touch!!

Here's a direct link to the reader's guide.

Kevin finished the book last night and we've had some interesting discussions around the house these last few days.

So, if you're interested in the book... now you have an even better reason to read it now that the author has volunteered to do a little Q&A with us.

P.S. Hannah eats donuts now. Bites right into them with her 3.5 teeth!


  1. Wow! Terrific!!! I'm anxious to see the Q&A...

  2. How COOL is that?! Very cool, I think!!!
    Looking forward to getting my book in the mail anyday now. Are you seriously going to tease us about Hannah being able to eat a donut and not show us???

  3. just ordered it...can't wait to read it

  4. I just ordered it...can't wait to read it...and Claire ate her first donut when she was sick..it was the only thing she would eat when she had those awful sores in her mouth.

  5. Very cool. I'm looking forward to reading the book when it comes and I'm excited to hear what Mei-Ling has to say.

    To quote Homer Simpson, "DOOOOOOOnuts..." Yum.

  6. Nice! Or if you feel like coming to Mpls in a few weeks, she's speaking at my old agency! I'm excited!


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