Monday, January 5, 2009

sleep, revisited

Little Hannah has been really out of sorts over the last 24 hours. Yesterday at 3am when we gave her a bottle... she wouldn't sleep. After patting her back while she cried in her crib for a long time, we ended up putting her in our bed somewhere around 4:30ish. She slept for only half an hour, and then woke up with a meltdown. No matter what we did, checked diaper, rocked, walked, back patted, back rubbed... she could not get out of meltdown mode with screaming and hiccups. We were totally exhausted and were tired out of our minds. I finally realized that we hadn't tried a bottle again, even though it had only been a little over two hours since the last bottle. Daddy made another bottle while I unsuccessfully tried to rock and comfort her in our bed. Daddy returned with a bottle and she gulped it down. It made me cry... "I'm so sorry, baby. I had no idea that you would be hungry again already." The bottle put a stop to the meltdown, but she hiccuped and sniffled for a long while. We decided she wasn't sleeping, so we might as well get up, try to play a little, and have some food, and then try to settle back town. Kevin and Hannah watched Conan O'Brien together in the early hours of the morning, and she seemed fascinated with Conan... but didn't care for the guest Carson Daly. That's okay, babygirl. We're not fans of Carson Daly, either.

Then we had the bright idea to go over to Grandma and Grandpa's a little early for family Christmas. Grandma and Grandpa could play with Hannah while we checked out for a little break. At family Christmas we had Hannah open her presents early, as we assumed she's eventually fall asleep. Not so. She sat on laps while people opened her presents for her and she played, played, played. During Christmas dinner Mama and Daddy could hardly keep their eyes open, but Hannah was in her element in the high chair with lots of attention, rice crackers, sweet potato, and toys to play with. In the afternoon we finished opening presents and enjoying sweets. Mama and Daddy decided it was time for them to check out. Mama and Daddy took naps while the rest of the family played with Hannah. She did eventually decide to go to sleep, and Nana put her in the crib. She slept for a couple of hours, and Nana woke me up to give her a bottle. Ahhh. What a wondrous thing sleep is!

Kevin and I were too sleepy to even attempt to take photos today. It was all that we could do to keep our eyelids open. I'll try to post some photos once my family shares some with us.


  1. Thank goodness that Hannah will let Grandma and Grandpa help! What a little trooper...
    Allie wanted no part of anyone, but me for the first 3 weeks and If it weren't for pictures I'm not sure I would even remember our vacation that we took with all of the kids 3 days upon returning to the States! I seriously don't remember unpacking, washing and repacking all 6 us or even boarding the plane for Florida to relax! LOL...
    Take advantage of those Grandparents as much as possible!!!

  2. I do hope that someone let you in on the "New Parent Rule" which states that the first month baby is home, you are not required to get out of your pajamas except to shower and put on fresh pajamas. Best rule ever!

    Not only are you getting used to a baby in the house, you're trying to get over jet lag. And you can only allow yourselves to get over jet lag as fast as Hannah is ready to get over jet lag so, yeah, um, you're in a difficult spot. But, a perfect, heart-melting, prayed-for, wished-for, wonderful, wouldn't-trade-it-for-the-world difficult spot!

    Thrilled that you finally get those sleepless nights!

  3. yep, I agree with the above comment! Sleep whenever she sleeps, seriously!! One thing that worked for us, eventually was putting Alea to bed about an hour early the first couple weeks and we followed, which helped with the waking early. BOTH of our girls woke extrememly early the first 3 weeks after returning home--I think it's how they adjust to the jet lag or something, but they did eventually fall into a routine. Praying for good sleep SOON!!

  4. You are so lucky to have help, Kimi was glued to me for 3 weeks! You are doing great..just wait until the time adjustment changes it all gets a little less blurry. I remember thinking we had jet lag that never fully recovered (even a year later)hah. I didn't want to miss a moment of Kimi's 1st year with usHug to everyone,

  5. The first week home is the hardest. The jet lag was hard to overcome. But then after that we fell into our routine. Always remember to take care of each other (you and Kevin) leave the chores for now and get rest and enjoy your little one.
    I napped when Zoe did and that was very helpful.
    She is so cute and I have enjoyed your journey so much :)


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