Sunday, December 21, 2008

Good Morning from Taipei

Good morning from Taipei! It's a wet day. We're getting ready to go get breakfast and start exploring. I'm glad that I brought a trench coat and an umbrella, as well as two rain ponchos. More later!

Yup, I couldn't help but laugh when I had to turn my head sideways to see the top of the 101 with my video camera. Here's what it looks like from below in a still shot.

2008-12-22_00-53-51_Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi


  1. Enjoy your amazing trip! I'm so excited for you.


  2. ok, the heavy breathing on the video, kinda creepy....should have narrated or something!! added some delightful music at least...hehe...just joking of course! Glad to see you are pretty much right on top of 101...will you get the same room when you come back?

  3. OH!Cool View.
    Makes me miss China.
    Have fun.
    Drink some Jasmine tea for me.


  4. YOU ARE THERE!!! Still can't believe it! I guess it feels really REAL now! Can't wait to see HC in Mommy and Daddy's arms!

  5. Cool!! Love that the 101 is so close to your hotel room!! Should have a great view of those fireworks! :) Have fun today!

  6. Yeah you made it!!!! That is the EXACT view I had out my window my first night in Taiwan. I wonder if you are in the same room?!?!! I'm so excited for you!

  7. Nice view! You won't miss a single part of the fireworks show from that room.

    Thanks for the frequent updates. We can't wait, we can't wait!

  8. If it's that cloudy and you can wait an extra day or two to go to the top of 101 then do.

    On a cloudy day like that you are going to see so little . . . but sometimes the following day or even that afternoon . . . the rain clears the fog and the sight is just BEAUTIFUL!!

    It is a must do . . .especially since you are so close . . . even if it never clears up . . . even if the skies are cloudy it is still a once in a lifetime experience! :) (ok, well, I've done it like 5 times, but I'm just one lucky girl with lots of visiting friends.)

  9. I'm hanging on every word. Keep the posts coming!


  10. You guys are really close to an awesome donut shop! You must try it! (I will have to look up the name though... within walking distance from 101 if Im not mistaken near a McD's) Thats one awesome view you have! Have an amazing time site-seein:)

  11. I remember now! Its called Mister Donut:) LOL! Anyway have fun!

  12. I'm loving all your posts! I assume that video was from your hotel room. Great view! I'm going to request a room with a view of Taipei 101. Hope you had a fabulous first day!

  13. That thing is so much prettier than than the Stratosphere in Vegas... can't wait! You're hilarious stifling laughter as you tilt sideways.... did you hit your head on the glass! I love the rain... Vegas is always sunny so to others it's a kind of a yucky day & to me it's Singing In the Rain.

    Oh forgot to say Good Morning! =0) Sara.Sofa

  14. Hi Sarah,
    I just had to comment. My husband Adam and I are waiting for a referral for siblings from Tiawan. My sister randomly found your blog (she's an adoptive mother, blogger too) and sent me to it. I am excited to get a little bit of a taste of what we are in for by watching you guys! How amazing! My eyes tear up a little reading your posts! We will be praying for a smooth transition for you guys!
    Traci Cline

  15. I have chillbumps that you are actually there. I know a typhoon wouldn't bother you because you are THERE!!!!!! YIPPPEEE!!!!



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