I've had a really bad cold these last 5 days, so bad that I frequently lost my voice and had difficulty talking at work. I finally feel much better today, and slept the entire night last night. Wednesday and Thursday night this week I woke up at least once an hour to blow my nose. The congestion was horrible and so frustrating because I'm used to being a really good sleeper. Is this what waking up several times a night to comfort, feed, and change diapers is like? Oh no! Kevin and I have already agreed that he gets the bulk of the night time baby cry duties when I'll be working the next morning. Stay at home dad Kevin can catch up on sleep during nap times.
The lady that drew blood at the doctor's office poked Kevin several times on Friday and couldn't get a hit. He was kinda grouchy and sore from being poked multiple times for blood and got three vaccinations all in one day. He'll go back Monday fully hydrated and hopefully we'll get some blood out of him.
The social worker is coming! We're having a big house cleaning this weekend. It's been great to have some pressure to throw away junk and donate other items that we've needed to get rid of for some time. Only problem is that we have twice the trash that we can leave out, so we'll have to get rid of it over a couple of weeks. Sedona puppy got a bath yesterday and smells like vanilla instead of stinky dog, so she's ready for the visit too.
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